How to Fill Out the FAFSA Application

FAFSA Application Fill Out

The free FAFSA application (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) can seem like an intimidating process.  Applications open October 1 before the next fall semester.  Some schools have limited funds, so be sure to apply early.  Here are some tips to help guide your way.

First, create your account at You will select your personal username and create your FSA ID (Federal Student Aid Identification). Be sure to type your name and SSN (social security number) exactly how they appear on your social security card.  This ID will allow you to access your FAFSA form and promissory notes online.  If the student is dependent, a parent must also create a FSA ID so he/she can sign the application electronically.  If the parent does not have a SSN, there is an option to print a signature page at the end of the application.  If you filled out a FAFSA form last year and want to renew it, select ‘Log In’, select ‘I am the student and want to access my FAFSA form’, Enter your FSA ID, and select ‘Renew my FAFSA form’.  Update any information that has changed from last year.

When you log on with your FSA ID, your name, SSN, and date of birth will automatically populate onto your application.  The student is the person applying for financial aid, so be certain you are entering your FSA ID under ‘I am the student and want to access my FAFSA form’.  Do not mistakenly enter your parent FSA ID in this section.

You may need the following as you complete the FAFSA application:

-Your SSN and/or your parent SSN if you are a dependent student

-Your tax information or your parent tax information if you are a dependent student including IRS W-2 and IRS Form 1040 (the 2023-24 FAFSA asks for 2021 tax information).  To get more information on how to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool go to for more tips on how to transfer tax information onto the FAFSA form.  Another good resource is ‘2023-24 FAFSA on the WEB Worksheet’ at

-Your records of untaxed income and assets and/or your parent if you are a dependent student

You will then select at least one, but up to ten, colleges to receive your application.  All colleges listed will use your FAFSA to determine financial aid you may recieve.  Colleges cannot see other schools listed on your application.

Finally, you are ready to sign and submit your form.  Sign with your FSA ID, and have your parent sign with their FSA ID if you are a dependent student.  Once you see your confirmation page, you know you have successfully submitted your application.

Are you ready to get started?  Go to to begin your application.  If you have further questions, please call local FAFSA expert Jeff Boron at 716-689-7477.

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